The International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) is an open, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, quarterly, full-review scholarly journal focused on theories, methods and applications in engineering and technology. The IJET journal covers all areas of engineering and technology, publishing original research articles and technical notes. The IJET review reviews articles approximately two to four months after the submission date and publishes accepted articles on the next issue upon receipt of the final versions.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Scopus coverage years: from 2009 to 2017 (coverage discontinued in Scopus)
Publisher: Engg Journals Publications
ISSN: 2319-8613 E-ISSN: 0975-4024
Subject area:
Engineering: General Engineering
IJET cover page
IJET - The International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Cover of the International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) All articles submitted must report original, unpublished, experimental or theoretical research results, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted for review must meet these criteria and should not be considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and may be revised and edited.
All articles from the International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) are also available for free with full text content online and a permanent web link worldwide. The summaries will be indexed and available in the main academic databases.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) welcomes the author's submission of articles on any branch of engineering and technology and their applications in business, industry and other subjects. Topics covered by the journal include, but are not limited to:
- Aeronautical/ Aerospace Engineering,
- Agricultural Engineering,
- Automation Engineering,
- Automobile Engineering,
- Ceramic Engineering,
- Chemical Engineering,
- Civil Engineering,
- Collaborative Engineering,
- Communication Engineering,
- Complexity in Applied Science and Engineering,
- Computational Science and Engineering,
- Computer Aided Engineering and Technology,
- Computer Applications in Technology,
- Computer Engineering,
- Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning,
- Control Theory,
- Data Mining and Bioinformatics,
- Design Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
- Electronic and Electrical Engineering,
- Embedded Systems,
- Engineering Management and Economics,
- Environmental Engineering,
- Forensic Engineering,
- Industrial Engineering,
- Information Systems and Management,
- Information Technology,
- Instrumentation Engineering,
- Intelligent Engineering Informatics,
- Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining,
- Manufacturing Engineering,
- Marine Engineering,
- Materials Engineering,
- Mechanical Engineering,
- Mechatronics,
- Metallurgical Engineering,
- Microengineering,
- Mining Engineering,
- Nuclear Engineering,
- Petroleum Engineering,
- Process Systems Engineering, P
- roduction Engineering,
- Remote Monitoring,
- Sensor Network,
- Soft-computing and Engineering Education,
- Software Engineering,
- Strategic Engineering Asset Management,
- Structural Engineering,
- Textile Engineering,
- Transportation.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) paper review
All distributed diary papers are refereed by the worldwide skilled International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) specialists and researchers. Accordingly, a full twofold - blind global refereeing procedure is utilized as a part of which:
- Papers are sent to analysts for their companion survey process.
- The International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) analysts' suggestions figure out if a paper will be acknowledged/acknowledged subject to change/subject to resubmission with huge changes/rejected.
For papers which require changes, the same IJET journal analysts will be utilized to guarantee that the nature of the overhauled paper is adequate.
All papers are refereed, and the Editor-in-Chief maintains whatever authority is needed to reject any typescript, whether on welcome or something else, and to make recommendations and/or changes before distribution.
Starting IJET journal Paper Submission
Planned creators are compassionate welcomed to submit full content papers including results, tables,
figures and references. Full content papers (.doc, .pdf) will be acknowledged just by E-mail. All submitted articles ought to report unique, already unpublished examination results, exploratory or hypothetical. Articles submitted to the IJET journal ought to meet these criteria and must not be under thought for production somewhere else. Original copies ought to take after the style of the International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) and are liable to both audit and altering.
Last IJET journal Paper Submission
Every last full content paper (.doc, .pdf) alongside the comparing marked copyright exchange structure ought to be put together by E-mail: see enggjournals.
Accommodation Instructions
At the point when submitting papers for potential production in the International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) , please present a unique editable record in one of the (.doc, .pdf) style documents. All figures, pictures, tables, and so on., ought to be implanted into the first document. Nitty gritty guidelines on planning papers for accommodation can be found in the Template Paper and Copyright Transfer Form. Additional data on the extent of the IJET journal is likewise endless supply of planned creators. Creators acknowledge the terms of Honor Code and Plagiarism Statement for Paper Submission, and that the paper is unique exploration commitment with the references appropriately refered to in the original copy.
Page Charges
Endless supply of a composition for production, the creator or his/her establishment or organization can distribute the paper upon the installment. The charges is US$ 275 to US$ 375 for worldwide and Rs. 5000 to Rs. 7000 for Indian Authors.
Call for International Advisory Board Members and Reviewers
Designing specialists and PC researchers are welcome to join the International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) as the individuals from the universal counseling board or as commentators. Intrigued persons can send us an email, alongside their educational programs vitae (CV), to ijet@enggjournals.com.
* IJET journal is distributed just online forms
All the papers in the diary are accessible unreservedly with online full-message substance and changeless overall web join. The modified works will be recorded and accessible at real scholastic databases.
Title: International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Frequency: 6 issues per year
E-ISSN: 0975-4024
P-ISSN: 2319-8613
Published by: Engg Journals Publications
Country: India
Journal impact factor:
ICDS anualesICDS 2016: 3.9
ICDS 2017: 7.3