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PPCP - Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology

 The Psychiatry, psychotherapy and clinical psychology is an international peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal. The journal covers topics related to prevention, diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric and behavioral disorders and publishes original research papers and reviews in different fields of psychiatry and related sciences. The ideological orientation of the journal is jointly determined by Belarusian and Russian editorial boards.

The journal is a source of fundamental and clinical knowledge. The vast majority of Belarusian scientists as well as scientists from other countries choose "Psychiatry, psychotherapy and clinical psychology" to publish their theses.

Year of foundation – 2010
Frequency of publication: once a quarter

Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology

Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology

Scopus coverage years: from 2016 to Present
Publisher: UE Professional Editions
ISSN: 2220-1122
E-ISSN: 2414-2212
Subject area:
Psychology: Clinical Psychology
Medicine: Psychiatry and Mental Health


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