A fundamental and recurring question in the universe of discursive studies is the autonomy of the text, once originally produced. Indeed, since textual production (especially if it is academic textual production) is a process that does not occur "ex nihilo", but is built above all in dialogue with the enunciative polyphony of the texts that precede it, cumulatively or conflictingly, and that, once constituted as such, enters into an endless flow of production, circulation and consumption. From this phenomenon arises the fact that both the production and the textual reception imply a permanent establishment of relational bridges between diverse voices that generate new voices. Such is the phenomenon that articulates the 54th edition of ALPHA Magazine; where we will see how diverse voices that build bridges are transformed into a choir, sometimes between theoretical discourses whose textuality would be unfathomable without the explicit work of their authors, other times between discourses textualized in a specific way in the discursive construction of also specific objects and, in others, among the "construbilia" of what makes this discursive flow possible: the components of language.
Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofía
Language: Spanish
ISSN: 0716-4254
EISSN: 0718-2201
Availability: 2004-present
Scopus coverage years: from 2008 to Present
Publisher: Universidad de Los Lagos
Subject area:
Arts and Humanities: General Arts and Humanities
Source type: Journal
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